Cut off the arms of large t-shirts, above the seam, and they make fantastic hair covers/sweat catchers when you're working around the house or yard. You can pull them over your hair and wear them under a hat or cap. Or wear one under a wig.
You can also sew the hemmed end together and gather the ragged end to create makeshift grouch bags or utility bags for small items or items which might otherwise leave a mess behind - baby eating utensils, bottles, milk bags, etc.
Scraps from fronts or backs are great for:
- working on the car - who cares if it gets greasy or gross?
- wearing around your neck in the yard for a quick sweat wipe.
- t-shirt material doesn't usually leave a lot of fibers behind, so it's great for wrapping sex toys made of jelly or silicone or other soft materials. If you wrap your sex toys, anyway.
- baby burp rags.
- baby chew toys.
- baby lovies - many babies want something soft in their hands when they're going to sleep.
- oversized handkerchiefs for the snot overachiever in you.
- oversized handkerchiefs for your runny-nosed toddler.
- clean and toss - no guilt for throwing money in the trash if it was already scrap anyway, and t-shirts are much sturdier than your average paper towel for those extra elbow grease places.
- kitten and puppy rags - cleaning them up after birth and housebreaking/litter training accidents.
- cat and dog rags - lining pet beds, wiping allergy eyes or noses, tying in knots to play tug-of-war, cleaning up pet yak, cleaning up cages at a mobile pet adoption center.
- keeping in the car for emergencies - vehicle accidents, unexpected visits from aunt flo (in case you don't pack sanitary supplies in your purse all the time - many women don't), tying to your antenna if you want/need help but don't feel comfortable standing outside your car, carsickness, moving injured animals off the road.
- practice sewing, applique, test stitch changes on your machine.
- in your purse to line the back of a movie theater seat - have you ever gotten lice that way?
- in your purse for any emergency/random act of kindness - I can't count the number of times having a wad of t-shirt in the bottom of my purse means having exactly the thing someone else needs right then.
- wrapping rolls or biscuits right out of the oven.
- tossing over rising dough.
- wrapping thawing meat so the flies don't get to it.
- tossing over cooked meat on the platter if you're grilling outside, or any other non-liquid food outside.
- cleaning out that fridge containing science experiments.
- cleaning around that nasty toilet or urinal.
- cleaning out under the kitchen sink which has had one too many broken pipes - vinegar, wipe with a t-shirt, toss that motherfucker.
- bathing/molting your snake - your actual serpent, not your body part. lol
- napkins for barbeque or eating watermelon or other messy foods.
You can wash t-shirts until they literally fall apart, so you're going to get your money's worth out of even the most expensive t-shirt.
What do you use old-t-shirts for?
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