Sunday, February 27, 2011

Book nonReviews

Sorry.  I'm so far behind on books that I am going to go simple here.

Wages of Sin, Grave Sins, Bound by Sin, all by Jenna Maclaine (purchased off my Amazon wishlist with xmas money):  First three books in the Cin Craven series.  Good books.  Interesting heroine.  Believable. Thumbs up for all three.

Silent Truth by Sherrilyn Kenyon & Dianna Love (purchased from Amazon with xmas money): A Bad Agency novel.  Honestly, even after reading the back of the book, I can't remember what the book was about.  I enjoyed it, so I'll give it a thumbs up.

Thief of Hearts by Christopher Golden (gift from C.G. when I was on his Street Team): This is a young adult novel, and YA is not usually my cup of tea, but when I was done with this one, I wanted to go straight to the library to see if there were more in this setting.  That's two thumbs up in my book (no pun intended).  College girl works as a morgue assistant and goes to school full-time.  College so far has been by turns fantastic and traumatic.  There were a couple of moments where I was sure I knew what was going to happen, and one I was right, the other I was so wrong.  I've yet to read a C.G. book I didn't enjoy, regardless of the genre.

Montana Mavericks by Susan Mallery, Bronwyn Williams and Carolyn Davidson (from a box of books I've had a long time, so purchased somewhere and somewhen):  Three historical shorts about three male Kincaid relatives in Whitehorn, Montana.  I read the whole book, but it didn't really hit me anywhere.  The heroines were not quite independent enough for me - Even for a historical setting, these ladies were too aware of their "places" as women.   I'm not a big fan of historical to begin with, though I've read some really fantastic historical romances, but this one didn't really leave me wanting to know more about modern-day Whitehorn.  No thumbs at all, up or down.

Death in Holy Orders by P.D. James:  murder mystery set in a theological college on the harsh eastern coast of England.  Interesting characters, interesting twists, and some romantic undertones between a couple of the characters.  There were a smattering of English terms I couldn't figure out, even from context, but I just kept reading.  I don't think those few terms kept me from enjoying the book.  This was in a box of books I've had a long time, so again, purchased somewhere and somewhen.  Thumb and a half up.

Wages of Sin (Cin Craven, Book 1)
Grave Sins (Cin Craven, Book 2)
Bound By Sin (Cin Craven)
Silent Truth (Bad Agency)
Thief of Hearts: A Body of Evidence Thriller #2
Montana Mavericks: Big Sky Grooms
Death in Holy Orders (Adam Dalgliesh Mystery Series #11)

In the interests of full disclosure, if  you click on the links and buy anything at Amazon, I'll get a wee bit of credit.  If you are going to buy something at Amazon, I'd sure appreciate the help, and if you're not, that's cool, too.

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